Functionally-Predefined Kernel: a Way to Reduce CNN ComputationYuta INOUCHI,
Hayato YAMAKI,
Shinobu MIWA,
Tomoaki TSUMURA Proc. IEEE Pacific Rim Conf. on Communications, Computers and Signal Processing (PacRim 2019),
Victoria ,
(Aug. 2019)
received Best Paper Award for Computers Track (1/27 = 3.7%) PaperSlide
h5-index: 9 (2018)
一貫性検証手法の動的切り替えによるソフトウェアトランザクショナルメモリの高速化飯田 凌大,
塩谷 亮太,
五島 正裕,
津邑 公暁
The 3rd cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures, and Programming (xSIG 2019),
«the paper is available only to the attendees»
(May. 2019)
Outstanding M1 Student Award 受賞
静的解析に基づくGPUスケジューリングポリシーの選択手法川口 優樹,
津邑 公暁
The 3rd cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures, and Programming (xSIG 2019),
«the paper is available only to the attendees»
(May. 2019)
Outstanding Effort Award 受賞
トランザクショナルメモリにおけるメモリアクセスパターンを考慮したポリシー動的切り替え手法小林 龍之介,
二間瀬 悠希,
多治見 知紀,
塩谷 亮太,
五島 正裕,
津邑 公暁
The 3rd cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures, and Programming (xSIG 2019),
«the paper is available only to the attendees»
(May. 2019)
Best Undergraduate Student Award 受賞
Efficient Computational Scheduling of Box and Gaussian FIR Filtering for CPU MicroarchitectureNorishige FUKUSHIMA,
Yoshihiro MAEDA,
Masahiro NAKAMURA,
Tomoaki TSUMURA,
Sei-ichiro KAMATA Proc. Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association Annual Summit and Conference (APSIPA ASC 2018),
Honolulu, Hawaii ,
(Nov. 2018)
h5-index: 17 (2018)
トランザクショナルメモリとロックを併用する並行性制御手法林 昌樹,
二間瀬 悠希,
多治見 知紀,
塩谷 亮太,
五島 正裕,
津邑 公暁
The 2nd cross-disciplinary Workshop on Computing Systems, Infrastructures, and Programming (xSIG 2018),
«the paper is available only to the attendees»
(May. 2018)
Outstanding B4 Student Award 受賞 Slide
Initial Study of Reconfigurable Neural Network AcceleratorsMomoka OHBA,
Satoshi SHINDO,
Shinobu MIWA,
Tomoaki TSUMURA,
Hayato YAMAKI,
Hiroki HONDA Proc. 7th Int'l Workshop on Advances in Networking and Computing (WANC'16),
held in conjunction with CANDAR'16,
Hiroshima ,
(Nov. 2016)
10.1109/CANDAR.2016.0128 CSDLDBLP
Fine-Grain Conflict Management for Hardware Transactional Memory Systems Employing Eager Version ManagementShoichiro HORIBA,
Hiroki ASAI,
Masamichi ETO,
Tomoaki TSUMURA,
Hiroshi MATSUO Proc. 4th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management Techniques for Many-core Architectures (PARMA2013),
held in conjunction with HiPEAC'13,
(Jan. 2013)
A.R.: 36%
A Speed-up Technique for an Auto-Memoization Processor by Collectively Reusing Continuous IterationsTomoki IKEGAYA,
Tomoaki TSUMURA,
Hiroshi MATSUO,
Yasuhiko NAKASHIMA Proc. 1st Int'l. Conf. on Networking and Computing (ICNC'10),
Higashi-Hiroshima ,
(Nov. 2010)
received the Best Paper Award 10.1109/IC-NC.2010.46 CSDLDBLPPaperSlidePhoto
A.R.: 31%
A Speculative Technique for Auto-Memoization Processor with MultithreadingYushi KAMIYA,
Tomoaki TSUMURA,
Hiroshi MATSUO,
Yasuhiko NAKASHIMA Proc. 10th Int'l. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies (PDCAT'09),
Higashi-Hiroshima ,
(Dec. 2009)
10.1109/PDCAT.2009.67 CSDLDBLPPaperSlidePhoto